Spreadsheet for Banknotes

General discussions about canadian banknnotes.
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:55 pm

Spreadsheet for Banknotes

Post by Imabroker » Fri Dec 01, 2023 6:04 pm

Hello, I have a small collection of paper currency. I don't have a way of tracking the collection and would like to create some type of spreadsheet. Rather than reinventing the wheel, does anyone have a sample spreadsheet that they like and use that they could share? TIA

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Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:04 am

Re: Spreadsheet for Banknotes

Post by Nota_phil » Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:28 pm

Welcome to C&C @Imabroker!

Most collectors employ excel or some type of spreadsheet. I use "Numbers" on my mac.
Threads like these are all over the place with many great ideas. Here's one 1 found on the Paper Money Forum:
https://www.papermoneyforum.com/post/ho ... 1332282965
My columns are similar to the ones posted in the above thread. I collect World so I start with nation, and list according to P (or Krause #) denomination, what I paid & an extra section for personal notes/comments but each person has different criteria.

Numista is also a cool website which allows collectors to catalogue their coins & paper money collections. Once you register & add all of your notes (& coins if so choose), you can actually export a spreadsheet. I have never done it myself but there are many members who have (& like it).
You may wish to check it out here:

Good luck & happy collecting!
Join the journey: check out Notaphilyc Culture:
https://sites.google.com/view/notaphily ... -banknotes

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