Melt values

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Melt values

Post by Busybody » Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:14 pm

I am new to this and am selling my collection that was accumulated until I was 18 ( 60 yrs ago)
I am surprised that the melt value of most of the silver is greater than the lower grades.
Most of my coins are in the lower grade group, and it would appear that a person would want to take it to the USA for melting to get more for them.
You explain that melting in Canada is illegal, but I assume many coins are sent or taken away to melt.
This naturally means that there are a lesser number of a specific mintage coins to buy, so the remainder should have a higher price as the supply is less.
Has this been the history of lower grade coins inthe past few years (irrespective of the silver price) , and if so, how has that decrease in supply been monitored ,if at all ?

Bill in Burl
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Re: Melt values

Post by Bill in Burl » Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:31 pm

Almost any coin dealer will take coins at about 90% of scrap or so. It's not illegal for them to have them melted. You will need to separate the .925 from the .800 Ag.
Bill in Burl

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