Canadian Literature: Books and publications
Compilation of 754 numismatic books and publications.
You can suggest more publications to be added or updated on this list on the discussions board.
Notes: This section is new, still in development and will be updated regularly. Most publications listed are mostly about Canadian numismatic. Voluntarily, publications with less than 40%-50% of Canadian numismatic content aren't all listed yet. Magazines, numismatic journals, Canadian clubs and associations papers will be added later.
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Alphabetical list of Canadian books by categories
Select a theme and choose a collection, publisher or author to list all books from that subject.
- Collections
- Publishers
- Authors
List of recorded collections with books in English
- Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of United States and Canadian Transportation Tokens
- Book of Canadian Coins and Their Varieties
- Canadian Coin Digest
- Canadian Honours System
- Canadian Medals Rolls
- Canadian Numismatic Bibliography
- Canadian Orders, Decorations and Medals
- Canadian Paper Money Society Note Registry
- Cash for your Coins & Bills
- Charlton Canadian Communion Tokens
- Charlton Canadian Historical Medal Series
- Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Tire Cash Bonus Coupons
- Charlton Coin Guide
- Charlton Collector Millennium 2001 Editions
- Charlton Collector's Guide to Ontario
- Charlton Numismatic Historical Series
- Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Bank Notes
- Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins
- Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins Collector Issues
- Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money
- Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Tokens
- Charlton Standard Catalogue of First World War Canadian Infantry Badges
- Coins of Canada
- Compendium of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens
- Fortin St. George Copper Tokens of The Bank of Upper Canada
- Gandley Coin Guide
- Griffin Monographs
- Guide Book of Canadian Coins Paper Currency and Tokens
- ICCS Population Report
- Illustrated Reference Guide for 5 Cents Coins of Canada
- Official Canadian Coin Guide
- Premium Guide Cash Prices Paid for Your Coins & Currency
- Price Guide for Canadian Coins
- Royal Canadian Mint Reports
- Simplified Catalog of Canadian Newfoundland Coins and Paper Money
- Standard Catalogue of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens
- Standard Catalogue of Canadian Uncirculated Sets
- Standard Grading Guide
- United States and Canadian Commemorative Medals and Tokens
- Wooden Money of Atlantic Canada
- Zoell Major and Minor Coin Variety
List of recorded collections with books in French
- Catalogue Charlton Jetons Coloniaux Canadiens
- Catalogue Charlton Monnaie Canadiennes
- Catalogue Charlton Standard Papier-Monnaie du Gouvernement Canadien
- Catalogue Charlton Standard Pièces de Collection de la Monnaie Royale Canadienne
- Catalogue de Valeurs d'Achat et de Vente de Monnaie Canadienne
- Gandley Guide des pièces de monnaie
- Guide des ensembles hors-circulation du Canada
- Guide Numismatique Charlton
- Guide Officiel des Monnaies Canadiennes
- Les Dollars de Commerce du Québec
- Liste de Valeur-Prime Prix Payé Comptant pour vos Pièces de Monnaie
- Livre des Monnaies Canadiennes et leurs Variétés
- Monnaies du Canada
List of recorded collections with bilingual books
- Canadian Tire Guide Bilodeau Money Argent Canadian Tire
- Canadian Tire Numismatic Catalogue Numismatique
- Guide to Errors and Varieties on Canadian Coins Erreurs et Variétés des Monnaies Canadiennes
More books, not included in the collections above, can be found by title, author and publisher.
List of recorded publishers:
- Beacon Publishing Co.
- Bonavita Ltd.
- Boulder Books
- Brooks Publishing Company
- Brookstone Publishing
- Canada Coin Exchange
- Canadian Bankers' Association
- Canadian Numismatic Publishing Institute
- Canadian Numismatic Research Society
- Canadian Paper Money Society
- Canadian Wholesale Supply
- Capital Free Press
- Carmichael's Stamp & Coin Co.
- Charlton International Publishing Inc.
- Charlton Press
- Charlton Publications
- City of Ottawa Coin Club
- Coin & Currency Guild of Canada
- Edition St-Eloi
- Editions Béatrice Pillarde
- Editions GID
- Editions Numispro
- Eligi Consultants Inc.
- Hobby Publishing and Manufacturing
- Hungerforg-Holbrook Co.
- J.W. Numismatics
- James Powell
- Krause Publications
- McClelland & Stewart
- Montreal Coin & Stamps Exchange
- Numismatic Guild of Canada
- Park Coin Shop
- Public Archives Canada
- Royal Canadian Mint
- Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
- Société numismatique de Québec
- Spink
- Unitrade Press
- Vancouver Numismatic Society
- Wasteland Press
- Whitman Publishing Company
More books, not included in the publishers list above, can be found by title, author and collection.
List of recorded authors:
- Adams, Edgar
- Allen, Harold Don
- Ashton, Martin
- Atchison, Darryl A.
- Atwood, Roland C.
- Banning, Edward Bruce
- Barnes, Lorne
- Becker, Richard
- Bell, Steven R.
- Benoit, Robert
- Bernard, Claude
- Bird, Richard W.
- Blais, Michael K.
- Blatherwick, John F.
- Boddington, Jack
- Boily, Raymond
- Bowman, Fred
- Breton, Pierre Napoléon
- Brown, George A.
- Brunk, Gregory G.
- Campbell, Terry A.
- Carmichael, Neil Clifford
- Chapados-Girard, Clément
- Charest, Pierre
- Charlton, James (Jim) Edward
- Coffee, John M.
- Cornwell, Brian
- Cote, Jean-Guy
- Courteau, Eugene Gaspard
- Criswell Jr., Grover C.
- Croghan, James R.
- Cross, William (Bill) K.
- Cuhaj, George S.
- Dale, Jean
- Denison, Merrill
- Drake, Mark
- Dushnick, Stephan E.
- Faulkner, Christopher
- Fecteau, André
- Fortin, Franck D.
- Fournier, Jeff
- Gandley, Will
- Gilboy, C.F.
- Gilmore, Starr
- Gingras, Larry
- Giroux, Jean-Luc
- Godsoe, Gene E.
- Goovaerts, Pascal
- Gosselin, Jacques
- Graham, Robert J.
- Grant, George R.
- Grenny, F.J.
- Griffin, Jack
- Haxby, James A.
- Hendler, Saul
- Henrichs, Jessica
- Hill, Leslie C.
- Hoch, A.D.
- Houle, Christian
- Howard, C.S.
- Ingram, Gregory S.
- Irwin, Ross W.
- Kauntz, John
- Kennedy, Earle K.
- Koper, Bert
- Kumpikevicius, Gordon C.
- Langlois, André
- Leighton, Eric
- LeRoux, Joseph
- Mackenzie, B.W.
- MacLennan, George A.
- Marelic, Branko
- Marquis, Yvon
- McCreery, Christopher
- McLachlan, Robert Wallace
- Menard, Michele
- Mishler, Clifford
- Montgomery, Paul
- Nadin-Davis, R. Paul
- O'Connor, John
- Paquet, F.X.
- Paré, Jean-Pierre
- Pelletier, Serge
- Powell, James
- Raymond, Wayte
- Richer, Harvey B.
- Roberts, Jack
- Rodger, Glenn B.
- Rosen, Al
- Roy, Alan
- Rutkowski, J.
- Ryder, Dean M.
- S. Paul, Cecil
- Sandham , Alfred
- Sandham, Todd
- Schapansky, Teresa
- Shortt, Adam
- Shutty Jr., Michael S.
- Somer, James
- Stanley, W. J. (Bill)
- Stewart, Donald M.
- Sweigman, Murray L.
- Tannahill, Cecil C.
- Turner, Rob
- Wainwright, Donald
- Weir, Randy
- Wells, Norman E.
- Werlich, Robert
- Willey, Robert C.
- Wood, Howland
- Woolard, Kyle
- Zoell, Hans
More books, not included in the authors list above, can be found by title, publisher and collection.
Additional information (not yet translated) on French books can be found on
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